Online essays and articles:
On Communication:
Hvad er Kommunikation? (2001, 2015, pdf)
Analyzing Arguments (2015, Prezi)
Critical Analysis of Visual Communication (2023, slides, pdf)
Communicative Functions (2023, pdf)
Kommunikative Funktioner og levende billedmedier (2013, pdf)
Fortolkning (2005, pdf)
Sprogfunktioner (2002, PDF)
On Theory of Media:
The Rhetoric of Visual Communication (2023, Slides, pdf)
Kameraets Retorik og Politisk Retorik (2023, pdf)
Theories for Media Analysis (2020, Slides, pdf)
The Rhetorical Power of the Camera (2018, pdf)
The Rhetoric of the TV Camera - overview (2023, slides, pdf)
About Arguments and Visual Communication (2022, Slides, pdf)
Persuasion: Text, Voice, and Film (2014, pdf)
Communicative Features in Text, Voice, Film (2023, slides, pdf)
Social Media and the Dialectics of Enlightenment (2012, pdf)
The Ethos and the Framing (2004, pdf)
The Concept of the Vertical Montage ( 2002, 2013 PDF)
Den Vertikale Montage (2002, pdf)
Klip - fire essays om de dynamiske mediers teori (1991, pdf)
On Speaking:
The Need for Oratory Skills in the Digital Age (updated, 2023, pdf)
Rhetoric (2020, Slides,PDF)
Cicero's Own Words (2023.pdf)
Speech Development - Collaborative (2021, Slides,pdf)
Pitch, Topoi, and Sound Bite (2021 Slides, pdf)
Speechline - a method for teaching oral presentation (2015, pdf)
Retorisk actio og mundtlighedens fænomenologi (2015, pdf)
The Individual Art of Speaking Well (2010, pdf)
Om at tale på Speaker's Corner (2007, pdf)
Speaking at Speaker's Corner (2007, pdf)
On Film/Video:
Point of View in "No Bikini" - A Cinematographic Analysis (2022, essay, pdf)
How to Understand Film, TV, Video? (2020, slides, pdf)
Visual Weapons of Mass Deception (2022, slides, pdf)
Bordwell, and more (2021, Slides, pdf)
Min Morfars Film - se 1957 i farver ( 2007, PDF)
Defining Documentary Film ( 2006, pdf)
Dokumentarfilm - hvad er det? (2005, pdf)
Intellektual Video Filming (2005, pdf)
Kamerabevægelsernes Fænomenologi (2002, pdf)
Om Filmteori (2007, pdf)
Om at filme det ufattelige (in "16:9", 2010)
Billeder og Begreber (1990, pdf)
On Nature:
Views of Nature (2021, Slides, pdf)
Visual Sport and Identity (2021, Slides, pdf)
Seeing Culture in Watching Nature on the Screen (2006,pdf)
Fascinerende kryb (in "16:9", 2012)
Natur i Firkanter (2003, pdf)
Naturen i Storbyen (2003, pdf)
Når Tavshed Taler (1994, pdf)
Skøn er for alle Fuglenes Sang (1997, pdf)
Das Erhabene bei Kant und das Erhabene der Natur (1996, pdf)
The Embrace of All Time (1995, pdf)